Device Provisioning User Guide

1     Introduction

The INeS IoT Security Platform provides these Components and Features:

  • INeS IoT Web portal:
    • Provides a GUI, accessible with authorized login credentials
    • Implements different management capabilities per user role: Admin, Auditor, Tenant Admin, Tenant Auditor, Tenant Operator, and Organization Operator.
    • Allows managing all Device Provisioning entities:
      • Administrations: Managing Tenants, Organizations, Users, API Access Key, Audit Logs, and Report…
      • Certificate Management Service: Managing CAs, Custom Extension, Certificate Templates, Certificates, Batch Generation, and EST Server for CMS.
      • Device Provisioning Service: managing Device Type, Devices, EST Server for DPS, and External CAs.
  • INeS IoT API
    • Allows to interact with the INeS IoT Security Platform Portal via REST API and DPS EST Server

This document is to describe how to use Device Provisioning Service in managing the devices type, Devices as well as EST server for DPS.

1.1    Getting access to the platform

The portal implements the following user roles:

               Admin: Main administrator can:

o   Manage all Tenants, Organizations, Users and API Credentials.

o   Manage Certificate Management Services (CMS): all CAs, Certificate Templates, Custom Extensions, EST Server for CMS, can set the global access, Tenant access, and organization access for any entity on CMS System

o   Manage Device Provisioning Services (DPS): Device Type, Devices, External CAs, EST Server for DPS, can set the Global Access, Tenant Access, and Organization Access for any entity on DPS System

               Tenant Admin: The administration of the specific Tenant can:

o   Manage all its Organizations, Users and API Credentials.

o   Manage Certificate Management Services (CMS): including CAs, Certificate Template that are assigned to that Tenants, can view all shared (global access) entities of CMS system, manage EST Server for CMS, can set Tenant Access, and Organization Access for any entity on CMS System

o   Manage Device Provisioning Services (DPS): Device Type, Devices, External CAs, EST Server for DPS, can set the global access, Tenant access, and organization access for any entity on DPS System

               Tenant Operator:  can operate on Certificates and Batch Generation for all organizations in that Tenant in CMS system; can operate on Devices for all organizations in that Tenant in DPS System.

               Organization Operator can operate on Certificates and Batch Generation for its organization in CMS system; can operate on Devices for its organizations in that Tenant in DPS System.

               Auditor: Can get read-only access to all entities in system… for auditing purpose.

               Tenant Auditor:  Can get read-only access to all entities in that Tenant… for auditing purpose.

All accesses to the platform are authenticated at least with username and password, and optionally with a digital certificate as strong authentication method.

Please ask WISeKey for your initial credentials to connect to the platform.

The demo environment is available for tests in the URL:

Login with Username/Password:

2     Device management

2.1    Device Type Management

A “Device Type” can be understood as a template that defines the characteristics of devices of the same kind, sharing attributes like naming, cryptography, Issuing CA, and others.

Access rules:

·      Admin: can CRUD all Device Types in system

·      Tenant Admin: can CRUD the Device Type of that Tenant.

·      Auditor: can only view Device Types

·      Tenant Auditor: can only view the Device Types of that Tenant

·      Operator roles (Tenant Operator, Organization Operator): Only can use Device Type to create a device.

2.1.1      Creating a Device Type

Steps detail to create a new Device type:

Step 1: Open Device Types from left menu: Configuration> Device Types. Then click on New button.

Step 2: Fill the all required fields (*) on each section, user can collapse or expand by clicking on arrow-down icon.

Common Information: Identifying and general information

·      Name*: Fill the name of Device Type.

·      Accessibility:  Tenant access and Organization access are available for Admin and Tenant admin. You can select only one.

o   Tenant access: If this option is selected, the device type is available for Tenant and all its organizations.

o   Organization access: If this option is selected, the device type is available for the selected Organization in Organization field.

·      Tenant: The Tenant list is available for Admin to select the one when the Accessibility is Tenant access. (Note: this option is not displayed for particular Tenant admin when Tenant access is selected because the Tenant of that Tenant Admin is selected by default)

·      Organization*: select the Organization for which the device type will be available

·      Description: Optional field.

·      Enforce Factory Mode: This is unset by default. If this is set, services like EST for DPS will check the device’s status so that a device must be in factory mode before issuing new certificates. After issuing an operational certificate, the device must be set to "OPERATIONAL MODE". But if unset the status is ignored before generating the certificate.

·      Device Auto-registration (DAR): If it is enabled, the system allows a new device to connect to INeS using factory certificate (if valid Factory CA) and be recognized (save the Finger Print of Factory Certificate to database) and auto-registered in the platform (new device is created and operational certificate is associated with this device). The auto-registration could be done via EST or a reduced REST API (a valid Factory CA and Operation Certificate template need to be set in this device type)



The main features for DPS must be to support "Zero Touch Provisioning", so a device can be authenticated in INeS with a factory certificate and then obtain an operational certificate.


This functionality must be able to support device auto-registration, so a device that presents a valid credential can be registered in the device table automatically.


Here is use-case:


o   We create an "EST for DPS" server that is configured to accept connections using client certificates issued by a particular CA (Factory CA, it can be internal or external CA). The EST server is set to issue operational certificates of particular certificate templates.

o   A device is provisioned in the factory with a certificate issued by the factory CA. This device doesn't exist yet in INeS

o   The device connects to the internet for the first time and starts a "provisioning operation", which is a request to the EST server, presenting the factory certificate

o   The EST server recognizes the connection of the device, and creates the device in INeS (if external CA, using the "Certificate fingerprint" as the device name - "unique ID" for device and let the other required values to “UNDEFINED”; if internal CA, using reverse mapping of certificate attribute which is set in the device type to fill the device's properties and attributes). Then the EST server provides the new operational certificate, and associates it to the new device account

o   The device is ready for operation

o   If the device later starts a "re-provisioning operation", it will use again the factory certificate, and the EST server will recognize the existing device, so there's no need to create a new device in INeS, and the new operational certificate will be associated to the existing device.

NOTE: If DAR is enabled, the factory certificate and the operational certificate can't be generated by the same CA

·      Use certificate mapping to create the device:

o   If it is enabled, DAR is enabled and factory certificate issued by internal CA, properties of the device will be set based on the mapping between the Factory Certificate Template and the Device Type. For instance, if there is a mapping CommonName - DeviceName in the device type for Factory Certificate Template, then Common Name of the Factory Certificate will be set for Device Name, etc.

o   If it is enabled, DAR is enabled and factory certificate issued by external CA, the device name will be set to the certificate fingerprint of factory certificate.

o   If it is disabled and DAR is enabled, the device name will be set to the certificate fingerprint of factory certificate.

Illustrative screenshot: if Admin creates device type

Illustrative screenshot: if Tenant admin creates device type:

Device Certificates Setting: Setting-up certificate templates to issue device's certificates.

There are 2 settings of Certificate Template: Factory and Operational will be used to issue device certificate:

·      OPERATIONAL CERTIFICATE TEMPLATE: Lists all shared Operational Certificate templates and the particular templates based on the selected Tenant/Organization in a drop-down list. User can add multiple Operational Certificate Templates by selecting one from the available list and clicking on Add button. The first one will be set by default, you can set other as default by clicking on Set Default button. The default template will be used to issue operational certificate when creating a device via Web portal. You can remove any operational certificate template as well by clicking on Remove button.

Please note that: We currently only support issuing multiple operational certificates for device via API.

       Illustrative screenshot:


o   If External Factory CA is selected: the list of External CAs will be listed in External Certification Authority field for selection. If there isn’t any external CA existed, you can click on Register New button to add a new External CA.

o   If Internal Factory CA is selected: List all shared Factory Certificate templates and the particular templates based on the selected Tenant/Organization in a drop-down list. User can only select one Factory Certificate Template at a time.

When a template is selected, all its subject will be displayed in a table with 4 columns: Name, Mapping field, Max Length and Default Value

o   Name: display subject name retrieve from Subjects section of selected Certificate template

o   Mapping field: only available for optional/required subject

o   Max Length: display the max length of that subject and cannot be changed.

o   Default value: only display default value of corresponding subject if any (match with default value of that subject which is configured in Subject section in Certificate template)

The option “Nearing expiry validity for operational certificates renewal (hours)”: This option allows you to call API to renew certificates nearing expiry. The same settings for factory certificates.

Illustrative screenshot:


User can select a mapping field for Subject from the drop-down mapping list



Device Credential Settings: Setting up device credential    

This allows to enable/disable Device ID/Password setting:

·      If it’s enabled: The password of device will be required to define (manually or generate randomly) during device creation. The Device Name will be set to Device ID. You can download the device credential after device is created. The pair Device ID/Password will be used to authenticate when connecting to DPS-EST.

·      If it’s disabled: The password of device will not be required during device creation. There is no device credential generated after created device.

·      Password retention time (hours): As Password is generated in the server and stored in files, it should be deleted after a period of time (hours), if a password retention time is not specified, it will be set default by 1 hour. Please note: During period time if it is downloaded by user, it will be deleted immediately.


Properties: Setting-up device properties

By default, all fields in Properties are optional. User can set for most properties:

·      Default value: These default values are used when you create device via console/API and can be edited.

·      Required checkbox: to set it is required when create a device using this template. That means user have to input a valid value for this property when create a device.

·      Fixed checkbox: when this checkbox is enabled, the administrator will set a default value. This value will be displayed/used as a fixed value of fixed property for all devices created from this template and cannot change this value in a specific device.

Available properties: Serial Number, Model, Hardware Version, Manufacturer, Device Class, Firmware, and Descriptive Location.

Illustrative screenshot:



Attributes: Custom attributes of device

User can add one or more custom attributes for device in Device type settings. This is optional.

Illustrative example:

Step 3: After all required fields are filled, click on SAVE to create a new Device type.

Step 4: A new Device type will be listed and shown in the Device Type List page.

2.1.2      Device Type List page

All Device Types will be listed on the List page.

The “Actions” option allows to: Clone, Edit, Delete (delete action is available for inactive device type only) device type on list page. The “View” icon opens the Device Type Details page:


2.1.3      Device Type details page

View page. The possible operations are:

·      Manage Status (Active, Inactive)

·      Delete (only available if device type is deactivated)

·      Edit


2.1.4      Device Type Edit page

Allows editing all available fields EXCEPT ID

2.1.5      Device Type Delete page

Please note that Deletion operations can’t be reversed. You only can delete an inactive Device Type. A confirmation page will be shown.



2.2    Device Management

Access role:

·      Admin: can CRUD all devices of all organizations in all tenants

·      Tenant Admin: can CRUD all devices of all organizations that associated with tenant which is assigned to that Tenant Admin

·      Tenant Operator: can CRUD all devices of all organizations that associated with tenant which is assigned to that Tenant Operator

·      Organization Operator: can CRUD all devices of a particular organization that is assigned to that Organization Operator

·      Auditor: can only view all devices of all organizations in all tenants

·      Tenant Auditor: can view only all devices of all organizations that associated with tenant which is assigned to that Tenant Auditor

2.2.1      Create a device


Admin, Tenant Admin, Tenant Operator, Organization Operator are able to create a device

A device can be created on Web Console or via REST API. Here we show how to create a device on Web Console.


Steps to create a new device:

Pre-requisite: there is an existing device type in global access or in tenant access (the tenant that organization belongs to) or in organization access


Step 1:  Login as an Admin (Tenant admin, Tenant Operator, Organization Operator) to INeS IoT portal then open Device Provisioning Service (DPS) from Home page or from top bar menu. Then, click on Devices from the left-menu to open the Device main page.


Step 2:  Click on New button on Device main page to create a new Device.


Step 3: Fill the all required fields for Device info step:

·      Name*: Enter the device name, it is unique.

·      Tenant*: Select the Tenant from the available drop-down list (only active Tenants are listed). It is available and required for Admin only.

·      Organization*: Select the Organization from the available drop-down list (only active Organizations are listed). It is available and required for Admin, Tenant Admin, and Tenant Operator role.

·      Device Type*: Select the Device type from the available drop-down list. Only active device types and they belong to selected Tenant (Tenant access) or are assigned to selected Organization (Organization access) will be listed. This field is required for selection by all roles that have the privilege to create a device.

·      Description: This field is optional

Illustrative screenshot for Admin:


Illustrative screenshot for Tenant Admin, Tenant Operator



Illustrative screenshot for Organization Operator

After all required fields in Device Info step are filled and valid (Device name is unique). Click on Next button to open the next step to fill attributes of device


Step 4: Fill the entire required fields for Attributes step:

This step will show all defined properties and attributes for a specific device, it is set as optional/required in corresponding selected device type in previous step. The default/fixed value of any attribute that is set in device type will be appeared. You can do the following actions:

·      You are required to fill the value for required field .

·      You can change the default value if it is not set as fixed in device type

·      You cannot change the fixed value of any attribute that is set as fixed in the device type

Illustrative screenshot:


After all required fields in Attributes step are filled and valid (Device name is unique). Click on Next button to open the next step to fill the Device Factory Certificate or click Back button to go to previous step for modification if needed.


Step 5: At Device Factory Certificate setting – this step is optional:

·      If Factory Certificate Issued by External Certificate Authority (External CAs) is set in Device type setting, the step Device Factory Certificate is not shown during device creation. The device name is set to the certificate fingerprint.

·      If Factory Certificate Issued by Internal Certificate Authority (Internal CAs):

o   If there is no Factory Certificate template is configured in the Device type, then, the step Device Factory Certificate is not shown during device creation.

o   If there is Factory Certificate template is configured in the Device type and setting “Use certificate mapping to create the device” is enabled, then, the device is created using the reverse mapping of the factory certificate. That means properties of the device will be set based on the mapping between the Factory Certificate Template and the Device Type.

For instance, if there is a mapping DeviceName - CommonName in the device type for Factory Certificate Template, then Common Name of the Factory Certificate will be set for Device Name, and so on....

o   If there is Factory Certificate template is configured in the Device type and setting “Use certificate mapping to create the device” is not enabled, then all Certificate Subject Information and Subject Alternative Name Information are listed, you can skip this step if you don’t want to generate and bind Factory certificate to this device. Otherwise, you need to fill the entire required field to generate a Factory certificate for this device as following:

§  Certificate request source*: You have to specify where the certificate request source comes from. There are the two options:

·      CSR to be uploaded:  If this option is selected, you have to upload a CSR. Please check the key settings in certificate template to know which key type (RSA, ECC) and key size are supported to provide the CSR with the valid key type and key size.

·      Private Key and CSR to be generated in the server: If this option is selected, the private key and CSR will be generated by server. The Private Key will be destroyed based on the setting of Key retention period (days) in the certificate template.


Illustrative screenshot: If the option CSR to be uploaded is selected:

Illustrative screenshot if the option Private Key and CSR to be generated in the server is selected: It will show a note about “You can’t download the certificate with private key after <date> because of the key retention policy.” The <date> is calculated from current date plus the key retention period.


§  Certificate Subject Information: Show all subject names of selected Factory certificate template in the Device type settings along with mapping value. The system will check as following:

a.     If the option Private Key and CSR to be generated in the server is selected then the system will check:

·      If subject name has a fixed value (in Certificate Template settings) then this value cannot be changed.

·      If subject name is optional and no mapping in the device type: User can input the value or let it empty

·      If subject name is required and no mapping in the device type: User must provide the value

·      If subject name (optional/required) has a mapping field in the device type:

o   Use the mapping, so the value in the certificate is taken from the device attributes

o   If the device attribute is empty, we use the default value that we can see in the device type setting

o   If the default value is empty, then user can put the value.

b.     If option CSR to be uploaded is selected and valid CSR is uploaded then the system will check:

·      If subject name has a fixed value (in Certificate Template settings) then this value cannot be changed.

·      If subject name is optional and no mapping in device type: The value in CSR can be used. User can change the value if needed or let it is empty

·      If subject name is required and no mapping in device type: The value in CSR can be used. User can change the value if needed. This field must have a value as it is required field.

·      If subject name (optional/required) has a mapping field in device type:

o   Use the mapping, so the value in the certificate is taken from the device attributes

o   If the device attribute is empty, we use the default value that we can see in the device type setting

o   If the default value is empty, then the value in CSR will be filled automatically.

o   If the CSR comes with some subject fields that are not in the certificate template (i.e. OU field), we always ignore it and user can put the value.


Illustrative screenshot: In device type we have this:

·      If the device has a value in “Manufacturer”, then “Organization = Manufacturer”

·      If the device doesn’t have a value in Manufacturer, then “Organization = “WISeKey Dev”

Another example if default value is empty:

If the device has a value in “DeviceName”, then “commonName = DeviceName

If the device doesn’t have a value in DeviceName, then “commonName = <VALUE_IN_CSR>



§  Subject Alternative Name Information: the checkboxes are the same as the checkboxes for Certificate Subject Information.

§  Certificate Validity period (days): you can set date for valid from and validity period

·      Valid From (format: Month/Day/Year): show current date by default and you can choose another date.

·      Validity period (days): show the validity period that is set in Certificate template. If the checkbox “Unlimited Expiration” is enabled in Certificate template, it will be shown in certificate request and you cannot set the validity period. To be able to set the validity period, you have to disable the checkbox “Unlimited Expiration”

Illustration screenshot: Validity period is set in Certificate template, it will be shown in Device Factory Certificate page:

Illustrative screenshot: Unlimited expiration is enabled for Validity Period



Click Next (all the required fields must be filled) or click Skip to bypass this step to go to next step, or click Back button to go to previous step for modification if needed.


Step 6:  At Device Operational Certificate setting – this step is optional.

·      If there is no Operational Certificate template is configured in Device type then the step Device Operational Certificate is not shown during device creation.

·      If there is an Operational Certificate template or more are set in Device type, then all Certificate Subject Information and Subject Alternative Name Information of default operational certificate template are listed, you can skip this step if you don’t want to generate and bind Operational certificate to this device. Otherwise, you need to fill the entire required field to generate a Factory certificate for this device as following:

o   Certificate request source*: You have to specify where the certificate request source comes from. There are the two options:

§  CSR to be uploaded:  If this option is selected, you have to upload a CSR. Please check the key settings in certificate template to know which key type (RSA, ECC) and key size are supported to provide the CSR with the valid key type and key size.

§  Private Key and CSR to be generated in the server: If this option is selected, the private key and CSR will be generated by server. The Private Key will be destroyed based on the setting of Key retention period (days) in the certificate template.


Illustrative screenshot: If the option CSR to be uploaded is selected:

Illustrative screenshot if the option Private Key and CSR to be generated in the server is selected: It will show a note about “You can’t download the certificate with private key after <date> because of the key retention policy.” The <date> is calculated from current date plus the key retention period.


o   Certificate Subject Information: Show all subject names of selected Factory certificate template in the Device type settings along with mapping value. The system will check as following:

a.     If option Private Key and CSR to be generated in the server is selected then the system will check:

§  If subject name has a fixed value (in Certificate Template settings) then this value cannot be changed.

§  If subject name is optional and no mapping in device type: User can input the value or leave it empty

§  If subject name is required and no mapping in device type: User must provide the value

§  If subject name (optional/required) has a mapping field in the device type:

·      Use the mapping, so the value in the certificate is taken from the device attributes

·      If the device attribute is empty, we use the default value that we can see in the device type setting

·      If the default value is empty, then user can put the value.

b.     If option CSR to be uploaded is selected and valid CSR is uploaded then the system will check:

§  If subject name has a fixed value (in Certificate Template settings) then this value cannot be changed.

§  If subject name is optional and no mapping in device type: The value in CSR can be used. User can change the value if needed or leave it empty

§  If subject name is required and no mapping in the device type: The value in CSR can be used. User can change the value if needed. This field must have a value as it is a required field.

§  If subject name (optional/required) has a mapping field in the device type:

·      Use the mapping, so the value in the certificate is taken from the device attributes

·      If the device attribute is empty, we use the default value that we can see in the device type setting

·      If the default value is empty, then the value in CSR will be filled automatically.

·      If the CSR comes with some subject fields that are not in the certificate template (i.e. OU field), we always ignore it and user can put the value.

Illustrative screenshot: In device type we have this:

·      If the device has a value in “Manufacturer”, then “Organization = Manufacturer”

·      If the device doesn’t have a value in Manufacturer, then “Organization = “WISeKey Dev”

Another example if default value is empty:

If the device has a value in “DeviceName”, then “commonName = DeviceName

If the device doesn’t have a value in DeviceName, then “commonName = <VALUE_IN_CSR>


o   Subject Alternative Name Information: the checkboxes are the same as the checkboxes for Certificate Subject Information.

o   Certificate Validity period (days): you can set date for valid from and validity period

§  Valid From (format: Month/Day/Year): show current date by default and you can choose another date.

§  Validity period (days): show the validity period that is set in Certificate template. If the checkbox “Unlimited Expiration” is enabled in Certificate template, it will be shown in certificate request and you cannot set the validity period. To be able to set the validity period, you have to disable the checkbox “Unlimited Expiration”

Illustration screenshot: Validity period is set in Certificate template, it will be shown in Device Operational Certificate page:

Illustrative screenshot: Unlimited expiration is enabled for the Validity Period



Click Next (all the required fields must be filled) or click Skip to bypass this step to go to next step, or click Back button to go to previous step for modification if needed.



Step 7: Device Credentials

This step will be shown during device creation if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

·      Device ID/Password option is enabled in Device Type

·      Device Factory Certificate: option Private Key and CSR to be generated in the server is selected during device creation.

·      Device Operational Certificate: option Private Key and CSR to be generated in the server is selected during device creation.


At this step, you can enter manually a password (for both device & pfx passphrase of certificate) or choose the option “Auto generated.” to generate randomly a password.

Illustrative screenshot:

Device ID/Password option is enabled only (There is no selection the option “Private key and CSR to be generated in the server”)



DeviceID/Password option is disabled but the option “Private key and CSR to be generated in the server” is selected during device creation



DeviceID/Password option is enabled and “Private key and CSR to be generated in the server” is selected during device creation.



Click Next to go to next step, or click Back button to go to previous step for modification if needed.



Step 8: New Device Overview

It will show the details of Device Info, Properties, Attributes, Factory Certificate (Validity Period, Public Key, Subject DN, Subject Alternative Name…), and Operational Certificate (Validity Period, Public Key, Subject DN, Subject Alternative Name…).


Illustrative screenshot:


Click Back button to go to previous step for modification if needed. Click Save button to complete the device creation and a new device will be created successfully.


IMPORTANT: A device after created successfully will be in one of the following modes:

·      NEW: The device is created but it doesn't have any credential

·      FACTORY MODE: The device is created and it has a factory certificate AND/OR device ID/password

·      OPERATIONAL MODE: The device has one or more operational certificates

·      DISABLED: The device is disabled and can't do operations in the portal

2.2.2      Device list page

All new devices will be listed in the Device main page


2.2.3      Device detail page

This page shows all details of the device. It allows actions such as Set as Factory Mode (if device is in Operational Mode), Disable any devices, view certificates which are bound to that device, download Device Credential of device that has Device ID/Password.


Illustrative screenshot:

Device general information:


Device properties


Device certificates:


Download Device Credential: The downloaded file will contain the Device ID and Password. Please note: The credential file will be deleted automatically after over the password retention time which is set in corresponding device type if you still don’t download it yet. However, whenever you downloaded, the file will be deleted immediately.


2.2.4      Set a device as Factory Mode

If device is in Operational Mode, it can be set to Factory Mode by clicking the button [Set as Factory Mode] in the device detail page.

2.2.5      Disable a device

You can disable any device by clicking on Disable button in the device detail page.

Please use this option if you want to disallow that device to connect to any DPS API and EST Server

2.2.6      Enable a device

You can enable an inactive (disabled) device to make it works again in DPS and allow it to connect to DPS API as well as EST Server.

2.3    EST Server

This functionality is to create an EST Server for DPS. Configure EST Server is available for Admin and Tenant Admin. Auditor can view only.

EST is a standard protocol to obtain and manage certificates, and widely supported by the IoT industry.

The EST Server functionality available in the CMS Module is intended to be used by applications (i.e. factory applications or gateways) that need to obtain certificates to be embedded later in IoT Devices.

INeS also provides a separate EST functionality integrated in the DPS Module, which is intended to be used by the IoT devices, which will authenticate themselves with a “Factory Certificate” (or a unique password) to obtain an “Operational Certificate”.

Therefore, a possible use case for EST in INeS could be:

·      EST in CMS is used by a provisioning application to obtain “Factory Certificates” and embed those in the IoT Devices

·      EST in DPS is used by the IoT Device, to obtain an “Operational Certificate”

2.3.1      About EST Servers

Supporting EST protocol in INES works as follows:

·      It is a domain-based routing, thus one customer as an organization in INES, may have several EST Servers.

·      The EST server can authenticate clients in two modes:

o   Device ID/Password Auth: The client uses the Device credential for authentication to request new operational certificates or re-enroll (renew) operational certificates of one or more devices. The Device credential can be a pair of Device id and Password working as the user name and password.

o   Factory Certificate Auth: The client uses the Factory certificate for authentication to request the new operational certificate or re-enroll the operational certificate of a specific device.

Note: In order to support both authentication modes, it is required to use an operational template linked with a device template, otherwise it will support Device ID/Password only.

2.3.2      Creating a new EST Server


          Only Admin and Tenant Admin role can create EST Server.

          Tenant/Organization exists

          Device Type is defined and available for the organization


How to create an EST Server for DPS

Step 1: Navigate to Configuration > EST Servers on left-menu to view the EST Servers list

Step 2: Click on “New” button, and fill the all required fields, marked with the “*” sign:


·      Domain*: EST domain can only be a subdomain of (on DEV environment), a subdomain of (on DEMO environment), a subdomain of (on PRODUCTION environment). A new EST domain will be generated automatically in the server so that you can use it.

·      Tenant*:

·      Organization*: Select one from the available list

·      Device Type*: Will list all the Device Types that are associated with selected Tenant and selected organization. You can select one.

·      Enable Servergen Operation: It allows key to be generated in the Server

·      Authentication Method*: You can enable one or both

o   Enable Device ID Password Authentication: It allows to call Simple Enroll endpoint with Device ID Password Authentication to issue an operational certificate.

o   Enable Factory Certificate Authentication: It allows to call Simple Enroll endpoint with Factory Certificate Authentication to issue an operational certificate.


·      IP White List: List of accepted IP addresses for this EST server access. If no IP added, the EST server will be accessed without restrictions.

Examples: or or or


IMPORTANT: The duplicated Domain of EST Server can be used for all organizations in a certain tenant. It cannot be used for other Tenants.


Illustrative screenshot:


Step 3: Click on SAVE button to complete.



·      The same EST Server can be created/cloned for all organizations in that Tenant. It cannot be used for other Tenants.


2.3.3      EST Servers List page

All EST Servers will be listed on the List page.

The “Actions” option allows to: Clone, Edit EST Server on list page. The “View” icon opens the EST Server Details page.


2.3.4      EST Server Details page

It’s possible to test EST Server Connection, deactivate, re-activate, delete, and edit using the related buttons available in this page.



You can add one or more Arbitrary Label for domain in a particular EST Server. Each Arbitrary Label List is associated with a device type that assigned to organization/tenant.

How to add an Arbitrary Label List:

Step 1: View detail a particular EST Server then scroll down to the end to find the Arbitrary Label List section. Click on New button.

Step 2: Fill the required fields:


·      Arbitrary Label: Between 3 and 24 characters long and contains only lowercase letters and numbers. It does not allow the spaces.

·      Device Type: Select one device type that is available in the list.

2.3.5      EST Server Edit page

Allows editing all available fields EXCEPT ID

2.3.6      EST Server Delete page

Please note that Deletion operations can’t be reversed. You only can delete an inactive EST Server. A confirmation page will be shown.


2.3.7      How EST Server works with libest and Azure IoT Identity Service     Introduction to Cisco open-source libest library

The open source implementation of the EST protocol library can be found at:

In order to compile and run the binaries of the library, it is required to do some patch on the latest source code as follows:

·      Disable checking length of the CA chain by following changes in src/est/est_client.c file:

Another change required to let the libest to support EC cert is as follows in the src/est/est.h

·      OS: Ubuntu 20, it does not work in Ubuntu 22.

·      In order to use the estclient, it is required to specify the CACERT using command lines bellows:

cd /home/<test_user>/libest/libest/example/client

export EST_OPENSSL_CACERT=server.pem     Introduction to Azure IoT Identity Service

Microsoft Azure provides a service named Azure IoT Identity Service which help devices to request x509 device certificates through EST Services. The details about the service can be found here:     Test cases

This document contains two set of test cases, they are:

·      Test cases using libest

·      Test cases using Azure IoT Identity Service.    Test cases using libest

1.     [TC-01] Enroll a RSA operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication.

2.     [TC-02] Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication.

3.     [TC-03] Enroll a RSA operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is a factory certificate.

4.     [TC-04] Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is a factory certificate.

5.     [TC-05] Enroll a RSA operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is an existing operational certificate.

6.     [TC-06] Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is an existing operational certificate.

7.     [TC-07] Enroll a RSA operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication where key is generated in the server.

8.   [TC-08] Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication where key is generated in the server.

9.   [TC-09] Enroll a RSA operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is a factory certificate where key is generated in the server.

10.  [TC-10] Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is a factory certificate where key is generated in the server.

11.  [TC-11] Get CA Certificates using HTTP Basic authentication.

12.  [TC-12] Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication and WI-SUN certificate template.

13.  [TC-13] Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using Certificate TLS Authentication.    Test cases using Azure IoT Identity Service.

1.     [TC-Aziot-tc01]: To connect to server to request EC P256 certificates

2.     [TC-Aziot-tc02]: To connect to server to request RSA certificates

3.     [TC-Aziot-tc03]: To connect to server to request EC P256 certificates by a device factory certificate.     Test preparation    Prepare EST Servers in IoT CMS

03 EST Servers for WISeKey Semiconductors organization are created as follows:

· To issue EC P-256 Certificates

· To issue RSA Certificates

·      wisunest01. To issue client EC certificates for WI-SUN type.     Test procedures    Test cases using libest    [TC-01]


Enroll an RSA operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication



1.     Using openssl to generate a private key:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048

2.     Using estclient to enroll a certificate as follows:

./estclient -e -s -p 443 -o . -u 803831697cc94480a6c82a3340dcdfc3 -h 637d1d57cd5941819014506bf3b2615b --pem-output -x private.pem --common-name myclient -v

Where: u/p is corresponding to AppID and AppKey of the app assoicated in the settings of the EST Server (est02)


1.    [TC-02]


Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication.



1.     Using openssl to generate key and CSR

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ec_private.key

openssl req -new -sha256 -key ec_private.key -out ec_request.csr -config config.txt

2.     Using estclient to enroll a certificate as follows:

./estclient -v -e -s -p 443 -o . -u 803831697cc94480a6c82a3340dcdfc3 -h 637d1d57cd5941819014506bf3b2615b --pem-output -y ec_request.csr


1.    [TC-03]


Enroll a RSA operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is a factory certificate.


1.     Open Postman

2.     Call Login

3.     Call CreateDeviceAndFactoryRSACert. This function will create a device and the corresponding factory RSA 2048 certificate.

4.     Download the PFX of the factory certificate, and then use openssl or xca to export the certificate into two files:

·      rsa_factory.pem: To store the certificate in PEM format

·      rsa_factory_key.pem: to store the private key in PEM format.


5.     Using openssl to generate a private key

openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048

6.     Using estclient as follows:

./estclient -e -s -p 443 -o . -c rsa_factory.pem -k rsa_factory_key.pem --pem-output -x private.pem --common-name myclient -v

Script file name:    [TC-04]


Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is a factory certificate.


1.     Open Postman

2.     Call Login

3.     Call CreateDeviceAndFactoryECCert. This function will create a device and the corresponding factory RSA 2048 certificate.

4.     Download the PFX of the factory certificate, and then use openssl or xca to export the certificate into two files:

ec_factory.pem: To store the certificate in PEM format

ec_factory_key.pem: to store the private key in PEM format.

3.     Using openssl to generate key and CSR

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ec_private.key

openssl req -new -sha256 -key ec_private.key -out ec_request.csr -config config.txt

5.     Using estclient as follows:

./estclient -v -e -s -p 443 -o . -c ec_factory.pem -k ec_factory_key.pem --pem-output -y ec_request.csr

Script file name:    [TC-05]


Enroll a RSA operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is an existing operational certificate.

1.     Open Postman

2.     Call Login

3.     Call CreateDeviceAndRSACerts: to issue a corresponding factory certificate, and the operational certificate will be issued with a short period of 1 days.

4.     Download the PFX of the operational certificate, and then use openssl or xca to export the certificate into two files:

·      operational.pem: To store the certificate in PEM format

·      operational_key.pem: to store the private key in PEM format.

5.     Using openssl to generate a private key

openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048

6.     Using estclient as follows:

./estclient -v -r -s -p 443 -o . -c operational.pem -k operational_key.pem --pem-output -x private.pem --common-name myclient

Script file name:    [TC-06]


Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is an existing operational certificate.

1.     Open Postman

2.     Call Login

3.     Call CreateDeviceAndECCerts to issue a corresponding factory certificate, and the operational certificate will be issued with a short period of 1 days.

4.     Download the PFX of the operational certificate, and then use openssl or xca to export the certificate into two files:

·      ec_operational.pem: To store the certificate in PEM format

·      ec_operational_key.pem: to store the private key in PEM format.

5.     Using openssl to generate a private key

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ec_private.key

openssl req -new -sha256 -key ec_private.key -out ec_request.csr -config config.txt

6.     Using estclient as follows:

./estclient -v -r -s -p 443 -o . -c ec_operational.pem -k ec_operational_key.pem --pem-output

Script file name:    [TC-07]


Enroll a RSA operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication where key is generated in the server.


1.     Using openssl to generate a private key:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048

2.     Using estclient to enroll a certificate as follows:

./estclient -v -q -e -s -p 443 -o . -u 803831697cc94480a6c82a3340dcdfc3 -h 637d1d57cd5941819014506bf3b2615b --pem-output -x private.pem --common-name myclient

Where: u/p is corresponding to AppID and AppKey of the app assoicated in the settings of the EST Server (est02)

Script file name:    [TC-08]


Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication where key is generated in the server.


1.     Using openssl to generate key and CSR

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ec_private.key

openssl req -new -sha256 -key ec_private.key -out ec_request.csr -config config.txt

2.     Using estclient to enroll a certificate as follows:

./estclient -v -q -e -s -p 443 -o . -u 803831697cc94480a6c82a3340dcdfc3 -h 637d1d57cd5941819014506bf3b2615b --pem-output -x ec_private.pem --common-name myclientec

Script file name:    [TC-09]


Enroll a RSA operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is a factory certificate where key is generated in the server.


7.     Open Postman

8.     Call Login

9.     Call CreateDeviceAndFactoryRSACert. This function will create a device and the corresponding factory RSA 2048 certificate.

10.  Download the PFX of the factory certificate, and then use openssl or xca to export the certificate into two files:

·      rsa_factory.pem: To store the certificate in PEM format

·      rsa_factory_key.pem: to store the private key in PEM format.


11.  Using openssl to generate a private key

openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048

12.  Using estclient as follows:

./estclient -q -s -p 443 -o . -c rsa_factory.pem -k rsa_factory_key.pem --pem-output -x private.pem --common-name myclientrsa -v

Script file name: [TC-10]


Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using TLS authentication, where TLS Client certificate is a factory certificate where key is generated in the server.


6.     Open Postman

7.     Call Login

8.     Call CreateDeviceAndFactoryECCert. This function will create a device and the corresponding factory RSA 2048 certificate.

9.     Download the PFX of the factory certificate, and then use openssl or xca to export the certificate into two files:

ec_factory.pem: To store the certificate in PEM format

ec_factory_key.pem: to store the private key in PEM format.

4.     Using openssl to generate key and CSR

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ec_private.key

openssl req -new -sha256 -key ec_private.key -out ec_request.csr -config config.txt

10.  Using estclient as follows:

./estclient -v -q -s -p 443 -o . -c ec_factory.pem -k ec_factory_key.pem --pem-output --pem-output -x ec_private.pem --common-name myclientecc

Script file name: [TC-11]


Get CA Certificates using HTTP Basic authentication.

Script file name: [TC-12]


Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using HTTP Basic authentication and WI-SUN certificate template.


1.     Using openssl to generate key and CSR

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ec_private.key

openssl req -new -sha256 -key ec_private.key -out ec_request.csr -subj "/" -config openssl_hwm.config

2.     Using estclient to enroll a certificate as follows:

./estclient -e -s -p 443 -o . -u 803831697cc94480a6c82a3340dcdfc3 -h 637d1d57cd5941819014506bf3b2615b --pem-output -y ec_request.csr -v

Script file name: [TC-13]


Enroll a EC P-256 operational certificate using Certificate TLS Authentication.

This use case is similar with the use-case TC-02 with the difference in authentication, it is that a TLS Certificate will be used for authentication to replace the usage of HTTP-base authentication.

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ec_private.key

openssl req -new -sha256 -key ec_private.key -out ec_request.csr -config config.txt

./estclient -e -s -p 443 -o . -c app_cert.pem -k app_key.pem --pem-output -y ec_request.csr –v


·       app_cert stores the certificate in PEM

·       app_key stores the key in PEM

·       The certificate and the key is export from the PFX issued for the corresponding API application.

Script file name:    Test cases using Azure IoT Identity Service     About the Azure IoT Identity Service

The details about the service can be found here:


Below is the official guide to install the Azure Identity Service 1.2.6:

The installation was done in the WSL2/Windows 11 Ubuntu 20.04


System directory and commands:

Following are commands required for tests:

aziotctl config apply

aziotctl check

aziotctl system restart

aziotctl system logs


More information about the command can be found here:



The first step is to configure the following file /etc/aziot/config.toml, below is the content of the file:

Notes: Sample configuration files in this document can be found in the zip package.


#---------------BEGIN /etc/aziot/config.toml-------------------------------------------


source = "dps"

global_endpoint = ""

id_scope = "0ne00xxxx"



method = "x509"

registration_id = "l001"

identity_cert = { method = "est", common_name = "l001" }



trusted_certs = ["file:///etc/aziot/secrets/cacert.pem"]



username = "provisioningserviceowner"

password = "Pgocbe….hl8gpI="

identity_cert = "file:///etc/aziot/secrets/app_cert.pem"

identity_pk = "file:///etc/aziot/secrets/app_key.pem"           



default = ""

#---------------END /etc/aziot/config.toml-------------------------------------------



·      app_cert.pem, app_key.pem are the certificate and key of the API Application corresponding to the EST Server.

·      cacert.pem: contains the issuing CA certificate in PEM format and can be downloaded from IoT CMS as follows:

This issuing CA must be uploaded and verified in Azure DPS before executing the test scripts, the uploading process can be as follows through the Azure IoT DPS interface:




·      username and password is the credential to connect to the Azure portal. It can be found in the Shared access policies menu below:


·      global_endpoint and id_scope can be found as follows:


After the file /etc/aziot/config.toml is finished, it is required to do following commands to verify the configuration:

aziotctl config apply

aziotctl check

aziotctl system restart

aziotctl system logs


if the configuration is correctly, then system will create a new device in Azure like below:    Test cases

This document covers 03 test cases below:

·      [TC-Aziot-tc01]: Connect to server to request EC P256 certificates. The credential to connect to the EST Server is a TLS certificate corresponding to the API application associated with the EST Server.

·      [TC-Aziot-tc02]: Connect to server to request RSA certificates. The credential to connect to the EST Server is a TLS certificate corresponding to the API application associated with the EST Server.

·      [TC-Aziot-tc03]: Connect to server to request EC P256 certificates. The credential to connect to the EST Server is a factory device certificate.

Each test case contains following files:

·      A config file in /etc/aziot/certd/config.d/ to declare EST Server to connect to and corresponding credential for the authentication.

·      A config file in /etc/aziot/keyd/config.d/ to store information about the key file.

·      A script file to request a certificate through Azure Iot Identity Service to the EST Server.


[TC- Aziot-tc01]


Connect to server to request EC P256 certificates. The credential to connect to the EST Server is a TLS certificate corresponding to the API application associated with the EST Server.



Put the configuration files (.toml) in the right folders, and then execute the script file (.sh).







[TC- Aziot-tc02]


Connect to server to request RSA certificates. The credential to connect to the EST Server is a TLS certificate corresponding to the API application associated with the EST Server.



Put the configuration files (.toml) in the right folders, and then execute the script file (.sh).







[TC- Aziot-tc03]


Connect to server to request EC P256 certificates. The credential to connect to the EST Server is a factory device certificate. The factory certificate and key can be prepared the same steps with the [TC-04] in the test cases using libest.



Put the configuration files (.toml) in the right folders, and then execute the script file (.sh).









2.4    External Certification Authorities (CAs)

The external CAs will be used to configure in Device type when the External Certification Authorities is enabled for Factory Certificate. This will be used by EST-DPS to allow connections of new devices.


Access role:

·      Admin: can CRUD External CAs for any tenants and organizations.

·      Tenant Admin: can CRUD External CAs for organizations belongs to that tenant only.

·      Auditor/Tenant Auditor: can view External CAs only.

·      Other roles: cannot access.

2.4.1      Register and verify an External CA


How to register an External CA

Step 1: Login as Admin or Tenant Admin and open Device Provisioning in Services at top bar menu. Then open Configuration > External CAs in left-menu.

Step 2: Click on Register button to register an external CA

Step 3: Fill all the required (*) fields:

·      Name *: Fill the name of external CA, it must be unique.

·      Tenant*: If you logged-in as Admin, you must specify the Tenant.

·      Organization:

o   If you logged-in as Amin, this field will be optional. You can create external CA for Tenant (if not specify the organization), otherwise you can select the organization from the drop-down list if you want to create an external CA for particular organization.

o   If you logged-in as Tenant Admin, this field is required. You have to specify the organization of this external CA.

·      CA Certificate in PEM format*: This is a required field; you must upload a PEM file of the issuing CA (drop the CA Certificate file in PEM format) or copy the content of certificate file and paste it into the textbox area.

·      Set certificate status to verified on upload: This is optional field. If it is enabled then the external CA is set as verified. Otherwise, it is set to unverified status.

Step 4: Click on Register button to complete process. A new external CA will be created successfully and listed in the External CAs list page.


Illustrative screenshot: if Admin creates External CAs



Illustrative screenshot: if Tenant Admin creates External CAs



How to verify an external CA

After an External is registered successfully, you can manually set an existing external CA as verified if it is in unverified status by clicking on Action button in list page then select Verify option or click Verify button in external detail page.

Illustrative screenshot:



Note: Only verified External CAs can be listed for selecting during configuration Factory Certificate in Device type.

2.4.2      External CAs List Page

All External CAs will be listed on the List page.

The “Actions” option allows to: Verify (if CA is unverified), Delete (if CA is inactive) on list page. The “View” icon opens the CA Details page.



2.4.3      External CAs Detail Page

From the “View” page, it’s possible to manage status, generate CSR, verify and Delete among other options.

If the CA is not verified then you can generate CSR, Verify CA, and Deactivate CA:



If the CA is verified, you can deactivate only:



If the CA is inactive, you can re-activate or delete it.


2.4.4      Activate/Deactivate an External CA

Admin can deactivate or re-activate any External CAs.

Tenant Admin can deactivate or re-activate any External CAs belong to that Tenant.

2.4.5      Delete an External CA

Please note that Deletion operations can’t be reversed. A confirmation page will be shown.